Usually not a fan of questionnaires, but this one from Duct Tape Marketing got my brain running.


What don’t you want in your life?
complainers, non-doers, leeches, the lazy, the weak

Who don’t you want as a customer?
the filthy rich, those who don’t *truly* care about their customers / family / friends

What don’t you want as elements of your brand?
anything that reeks of digital

What don’t you want as a part of you daily routine?
checking email, turning on my computer

Who or what don’t you want as a member of your staff?
complainers, hesitators

What don’t you want to let go of in your business?
personal interaction with ALL of my clients

What don’t you have to grow your business?

What aren’t you willing to give up in order to have what you want?
low budget customers

What aren’t you willing to compromise for your vision?
life-changing activities … people / lifestyle focused biz

What aren’t you prepared to sacrifice to get a sale?
evenings with my daughter

What aren’t you sure of when it comes to your business?
prioritizing customers / prospects / projects appropriately

What aren’t you doing that your customers need you to do?
building a reasonable level of predictabliity into our work / pace / timelines / etc…

What aren’t you making a priority?
sleep, writing, the beach