UPDATE 5/1/2014: How we’re doing so far?

So we survived 2013. One thing Seth and I share in common is a deeply-seated aversion to repeating mistakes. Not that we didn’t repeat any mistakes this year, but we have been successful in building thick walls of accountability around our more critical decision-making processes to prevent a wholly unneeded sequel to an epic fail.
Just about everybody has resolutions … but our supreme goal in 2014 is to harden our resolve, stick to our commitments without swaying, and grow.
One way to build these walls of accountability is to post resolutions publicly – to start, here’s our desired outcomes:

More Successful Projects. Better Projects.
Less Consulting. More Training.
More Recurring Revenue.
Lots More Helping
Publish a Book
More Travel.

Small Biz Triage’s Resolutions for 2014

1) Blog Less. Publish More. Converse More.

We’ll still continue to blog, but with the sole purpose of creating work that is so good that it will be worthy of publishing in our upcoming book.

2) Shift Focus to the Area of Greatest Impact

Focus on the areas of truly great value to our clients and their businesses: writing newsletters, crafting blogs, human-centered outreach and one-on-one training. And that list will only change if our clients tell us otherwise through words, results (or lack thereof). To accomplish this we’ll need to:


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3) Become More Human, More Transparent

Keeping marketing human has been our mantra throughout 2013. We’ve mentioned it in 29 articles this year alone.

4) Hit the Road … Grow our Ecosystem

I’ll admit this one is a bit selfish. We like to travel and leap out of our comfort zone. Here’s our list of people we want to visit in 2014:[twocol_one]VENDORS

[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]CLIENTS

[/twocol_one_last]*** And of course, we’ll be hitting the road by launching the Small Biz Bootcamp & Roadshow this year.***

5) Earn the Respect of Professionals That We Respect

I’m convinced that by accomplished some / all of the above that we can pull this off. Hell, even drinking a beer or sharing a cab with any of the following influencers would be pretty awesome indeed:

What are your business’ resolutions for 2014? Personal goals? Here’s mine in its uncensored glory.
What are you (really) willing to do to harden your resolve to grow?