What is success and what can we do attain it? In today’s competitive business environment, only the smartest and bravest business gurus will succeed. That’s because they have the determination to stick to their guns and stand by what they believe in. Mastering the art of entrepreneurship is easier said than done; there’s so much competition going on, that it’s sometimes impossible to keep up. Many start-ups fail because their leaders are not passionate enough, and when you can’t find motivation in the work that you do, it’s literally impossible to stay engaged. Reading motivational business books can persuade you to step out of your comfort zone and take a chance. Here are 6 must-read books you should start devouring right now.

1. “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel & Blake Masters

“Zero to One” is a set of motivational lectures written by founder of PayPal and billionaire investor Peter Thiel. Blake Masters is the co-author of the book, and former student of Thiel at Stanford. Together, the duo composed an assertive set of standards meant for start-ups, entrepreneurs and thoughtful leaders who want to make a difference and help their companies thrive. “Zero to One” is a brilliant business book with excellent tips and tricks for leaders and entrepreneurs striving to build a better future for themselves and for their future enterprises.

leaders eat first

2. “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek

Those who can truthfully believe that there’s a brighter future waiting for them should read “Leaders Eat Last”. The book’s main idea is centered on actions we should all take to achieve success. Sinek advises leaders to replace the “command and control” management model with approaches that are more sustainable and focused on empathy. Entrepreneurs should completely redesign a workspace – the office must look and feel comfortable to keep employees engaged. “Leaders Eat Last” is all about understanding that a company needs a team of people to function properly, so if you’re an enthusiastic business person this is a must-read.

3. “How to Change the World” by David Bornstein

David Bornstein’s “How to Change the World” is a beautiful interpretation of various types of “social” entrepreneurs. The cases presented in the book are meant to emphasize that every leader can succeed provided that he has a desire to change the world. “How to Change the World” is about treating life with as much optimism as possible. Idealism is what business people need to attain greatness, so if you’re the dreamy type of entrepreneur, this book should stimulate you to do more.

4. “Mindset” by Carol Dweck

After a couple of decades of great success in the business domain, Carol Dweck decides to write “Mindset”, a book about what we should do to thrive in business and in real life. She talks about taking responsibility for our actions, and using more than just our abilities and skills to turn ideas into facts, and facts into wealth. This book is meant for those who want to improve the quality of their lives and thusreach their highest goals.

how to speak money

5. “How to Speak Money” by John Lanchester

If number-crunching financial talk and puzzling algorithms confuse you, then you’ll love to read “How to Speak Money”. In the book, readers will learn more about how the real world of finance functions – starting from clear definitions to words like “inflation” and “amortization, to finding loops and irregularities in a contract’s terms & conditions. Lanchester explains beautifully the way hedge funds work in his book, as well as the entire financial system, but in much simpler, easy to understand terms.


 6. “Strategize to Win” by Carla Harris

Carla Harris’s newest book, “Strategize to Win” is meant for everyone in the business domain, whether they’re just starting out or hunting for new opportunities. The author is a Wall Street veteran, and she tries to help leaders get out of bad situations and reposition themselves and their goals in order to achieve success. How can you make the most of your ideas? Are you ready for a career change? Do you have what it takes to take your company to new heights? All these questions will get answered in “Strategize to Win”. Carla’s book is excellent for those who wish to hone their skills, surpass drawbacks and position themselves for great accomplishments.

It’s tough to succeed in business if you’re not willing to make sacrifices. The books we mentioned above are must-reads if you’re a passionate entrepreneur looking for his big break in the business environment.