Nate's Home Office

Picture of B2B Bandits

B2B Bandits

  1. Nates-Home-OfficeStanding Desk – sitting is lame, and allegedly standing all day will burn a whopping 14 calories. Goodbye beer belly. – $25
  2. Chair used as a shelf with notes from our last 4 meetings – $60
  3. Whiteboard w/ scrawlings meant to help us optimize our <ahem> awesome Small Biz Roadmap landing page – $50
  4. Laptop with bad screen … the right half is covered in white lines due to a pinched ribbon cable – $400
  5. Monitor from Craigslist … to overcome the laptop screen problem – $30 
  6. Three cardboard shoeboxes – $ FREE (minus the cost of the shoes)
  7. Ikea lamp and light – $10
  8. Yellow Legal Pad, or as I call it “A Poor Man’s iPad” – $1.99
  9. Black Cherry soda from Winco + 2 shots of vodka in an empty Smuckers Strawberry Jam glass jar – $ 1.99
  10. Inspiration from Mags (my daughter) … her christmas drawing of bearded me and an abstract rabbit, I think – PRICELESS

What does you home office look like?

Contact us, and we might feature your *awesome* home office on our blog, or even showcase your embarrassing one (like mine) in our next monthly newsletter so small business owners everywhere can laugh at you.

Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.

Robert Greena’s 6th strategy of War state

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