April 9th, 2009

The Sonic Genesis

Savor the Sound was founded with Eric Fridrich in this little north Seattle coffee shop.
Savor the Sound was founded with Eric Fridrich in this little north Seattle coffee shop.

My First Business Card courtesy Billy Gold
My First Business Card courtesy Billy Gold


Our first small biz client - Grand Opening in December
Our first small biz client – grand opening Dec ’09


My First 'Hire' - the late Johnny B
My First ‘Hire’ – the late Johnny B


More Clients, More Craziness

That's Wright Marketing - a.k.a. small biz identity crisis
That’s Wright Marketing – a.k.a. small biz identity crisis


Launched Intern Program, Traditional Exodus

Our first office in the attic of Seattle Film Institute
Our first office in the attic of Seattle Film Institute

Our first logo, courtesy interns Victor and Meg
Our first ‘real’ logo, courtesy interns Victor and Meg

Savor the Sound becomes a youth music education non-profit
Savor the Sound becomes a youth music education non-profit – Small Biz Triage focuses solely on owners


Took a 15,000+ mile 'scenic' route to Chico, CA
Took a 15,000+ mile ‘scenic’ route to Chico, CA with former intern, Willow Jon. Goodbye Seattle.


Put on the Big Boy Pants

Brag board
Surviving & Thriving: Our Big Year


started writing a book, launched first Small Biz Bootcamp, and apparently stopped taking pictures