Tug of War

I’ve been off my game for a bit – well, five-months to be specific. And as I fall back into the comfort of the fall school and work routine, my subconscious has been slooowly untangling the messy “why” … or perhaps, “what the f*** just happened? When looking back on my life thus far, it hasn’t […]

Know Your Enemy

Publishing Date: August 1, 2022 “The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”– Sun Tzu – When you hear the words’ enemy or competitor, your brain will probably jump to the company that is outranking yours on G2, Clutch, Upwork, TrustPilot, etc., Or the crew that’s outspending yours on LinkedIn ads. […]

Check Your Biases

The Art Of War Of The Inbox Principle #4 Check Your Biases Publishing Date: August 1, 2022 I read books, study human biases, and even have a copy of “Psychology of Human Misjudgement” by Charlie Munger propping up my monitor. Yet still, I continue to make wildly irrational decisions, including accidentally sabotaging some of my […]

Stop Fighting Fair

July 29, 2022 “According as circumstances are favorable, one should modify one’s plans.” – Sun Tzu- Your email inbox has become a warzone. And when in times of war, wise generals – and marketers – should turn to Sun Tzu, the Chinese warrior-philosopher-strategist, for assistance. He documented his timeless advice in his now legendary guide, The […]

Genuinely Curious

“This is just stupid!” I roared from inside my boss’ windowless office. Thankfully no windows meant good acoustics for rage-Nate. Debra, my boisterous, blond boss had been trying to teach me the lost art of cold calling. After surviving the third hardest college program in the world, and eking out a short but high-impact career in […]

Bigger Rocks

“Move the big rock” At first glance, it looks suspiciously like a vague Buddhist proverb, or mis-translated Kung Fu movie, or Native American nugget of wisdom shared only while smoking a peace pipe at a crackling fire. Nope. That brutally simple piece of advice came from a sales coach. Yep, a stoic, suited, ultra-professional sales […]

Helpless vs. Hopeful

My third fight  happened the summer before my senior year of high school. Several months earlier, I had received my second denial from the Air Force Academy. So I scammed a copy of a previous year’s application to find out what bubbles I needed to fill out to get their attention. On a long list […]

Remember to Breathe

I got him. I finally landed a solid shot on Fred the Dentist, a soft-spoken black belt and occasional sparring partner. During our other fights we always gently slip by all of my attacks and I’d feel soft taps on my noggin and gut where he’d let me know where he would have dropped me. […]