Re-Purposing Google Reader for Small Biz

Update: Google reader’s death clock has started.  As of July 1st, Google will no longer offer their reader service.  Don’t cry, all is not lost.   Reader is an often ignored tool in Google’s overwhelming volume if tools and apps.  Geeks like me have used it for years to read the latest tech and productivity blogs, […]

Making Human Connections on Twitter – Day Five

Reading the Stats, Fine Tuning the Schedule and Content So you’ve been at it for a week now. Fiddling around with some cool tools, following, un-following, tweeting, interacting. And your first #FF tweet should be on its way to your followers by now as well. Now, I’m a rigid believer in the sage advice, “do […]

Making Human Connections on Twitter – Day Four

Pruning Your Followers & Prepping for #FollowFriday By now you should have some traction on Twitter.  Some follows, some @mentions, perhaps a few favorited tweets or re-tweets.  Today, we are going to work on keeping your Follower:Following Ratio to a reasonable level. There a few roughl categories of tweeps when it comes to their raw […]

Making Human Connections on Twitter – Day Three

Light Conversation & Timing Follow-ups So you’ve installed some tools, thrown out some tweets and followed a bunch of relevant tweeps.  Now what?  Well, it’s time to start making some light conversation. Light conversation can be defined as the type of conversation you would have waiting in line for anything.  In long lines, I can […]

Making Human Connections on Twitter – Day Two

Who to Follow & How To Follow Yesterday I went over the essential tools needed to make human connections on Twitter.  Today, I’ll go over who you should follow, and how to follow them. When I first learned to leverage following on Twitter, I dove into Tweepi (a close second to ManageFlitter for the record) and followed […]

Making Human Connections on Twitter – Day One

Laying the Groundwork & Your First Tweets One of my fellow USAF Academy grads, Carson (who now runs an exciting non-profit – The Tai Initiative) emailed me the other day asking, “What’s the deal with all those #FF tags on Twitter?”.  I was sorely tempted to tell him, “It’s Follow Friday” and leave it at that. […]

Christmas Come Early

… well not really, but it does feel damn good to see this before diving into a culinary orgy. Traffic volume and quality is up. Mobile usage has doubled, and bounce rate went from 88% (OUCH) to 12% (BOOOYAH). Picked up my first RSS Subscriber, with a little bit of blog-driven traffic there. Apparently “debbie […]

Enjoy the Little Things

The True Meaning of 1,000 and where the mysterious Rule #32 comes in. So I hit 1,000 followers on Twitter today. Hold on a sec, and let me try that again.   I HIT 1,000 FOLLOWERS ON TWITTER TODAY!!! May seem kind of small when you really think about it. I mean, it’s just a […]

What Page of Google Am I On?

WhatPageOfSearchAmIOn is one of my favorite tools of marketing geekery.  I stumbled across  it earlier this year when recording a client’s starting search ranking for an Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Campaign. Hitting the #1 spot for the organic search small biz is one of of my many ridiculously audacious goals for 2013.  Last year, I wasn’t […]

Making First Contact with an Influencer

Yesterday I shared a case study that outlined how to find your small business’ influencers.  For this post, I’m going to dig into how to distill your list into action-able pieces, with some tactics for handling the first contact. After knocking out your categorized list of influencers, it can be pretty damn overwhelming. The first […]