My Audacious Plan for 2012 – ROUGH DRAFT

So I’ve been doing this small biz marketing thing for nearly three years now.  Me and my rotating cast of geeks, artists and heavy lifters have helped 67 small business owners with everything from taping posters to lightpoles to muscling through a nationwide digital PR campaign. And then something horrifying happened. I started to believe […]

Practicing what We Preach

Been preaching it for years now … video, video, video. So we finally produced a video intro for our website. A humungous (sp?) thanks to Ed and Mariellen of Three Moon Bay for producing this clip.  That other (evil) irishman on the left is Drew Dundon, co-founder of … another vid is coming soon of him […]

500 Employees or Less = Small Biz

Hmmmm …. so maybe we should change our name to Tiny Biz Triage.  According to the WSJ, the government considers a “small business” to be anything less than 500 employees!  I’ve always used 25 as the measuring stick. Makes you wonder about all the press out there on ‘helping small businesses’. SOURCE:

Direct Action Solutions – Explosive Success

CLIENT:  Direct Action Solutions, a shop in San Diego OBJECTIVE: Drive more customers to the store.   STRATEGY:Local Search Engine Marketing Leverage Social MediaDevelop an truly easy-to-update / simple-to-purchase eCommerce platform   and the results BEFORE less customers AFTER more customers no presence on Google Local Listings #1 local result in all major categories 6 ‘click for […]

Digital Event Promotion – a free primer for the savvy Seattlite

Whether promoting a concert, charity benefit or art show, posting your event on on-line calendars is an effective and cheap / free way to get the word out. This is the list I use for all my local events … the link will take you straight to the event posting page on nearly all of […]

Advanced Classroom Technologies & "true education"


CHALLENGE: ACT has recently begun re-selling the classroom ModelMaker, but did not have a web platform to showcase the product OR a place for ModelMaker users to collaborate. They also needed a product video to help their re-sellers illustrate the paradigm-shaking potential of this new 3D-Printer. SOLUTION: Design and build a Joomla Website based on […]

Bronze your Skin … brighten your LIFE

CHALLENGE: Bronzer Salon was referred to us by one of our peers from a few years back.  A mother and daughter started an airbrush tanning and makeup business in Edmonds in late September and were experiencing meager growth.  As always is the case with Small Biz Triage, there was not much budget to work with, […]

Steampunk + Anime + … Tea?

CHALLENGE: Small Biz Triage was approached by a talented young tea maker who wanted to start a business.  Initially we discussed securing a booth at the NW Tea Festival.  The catch: the business had no name, no website, no packaging, no brand, no strategy, no budget … you get the picture. SOLUTION: The three things […]

Eric Fridrich … website replacement surgery

One of my first marketing clients from a few years ago … take a look at the before & after screen caps for site What We Did Simplified the menu structure … the site visitor is now presented with a digestable number of choices Switched the color pallete to a warmer color … the branding is […]

Practical Creativity … freak antiques

Practical Creativity is Kenny Judd, Artist, Father, Husband and dreamer. Like a modern day Dr. Frankenstein Judd breaths life into his toy friends as an old doorstop become a body, pieces of driftwood become arms, bungee-cord springs take shape and sprout legs, and marbles and washers open up and become eyes. Like our good friend […]