Books that can boost your business acumen & possibly improve your life

Whether we’re entrepreneurs, realtors, CEOs or managers, it’s really important to do everything in our power to help our start-ups thrive. Believe it or not, there’s no need for business people to have an MBA from a reputable university to do well in their field of activity. Sometimes, all we need is something to motivate […]

How Solopreneurs & Small Businesses Can Use Pinterest

Pinterest is one of those social media platforms that many people struggle with using as a marketing avenue at first. It differs significantly from the more familiar Facebook, and looks nothing like the often used Twitter. I’m going to start by giving you the basic tools for success on Pinterest as a marketing platform, and […]

Injecting Financial Efficiency into your Start-Up Business

The road to successful entrepreneurship can be a long and rocky one. Therefore when your business is in the start-up phase it is important to ensure financial efficiency is a prime consideration in any decision you make. The five steps outlined below will make sure your business is built on firm foundations. 1. Choice of […]

5 ways to get more readers to open your e-mails

As you saw last week, where we had the honor of writing a guest blog on PR in your Pajamas. We’re happy to share with you our latest in guest blog posts on SBT, with guest blogger Sreeram Sreenivasan, founder of Ubiq If email marketing is your bag (if it isn’t, why the hell not??), head […]

Local SEO for Small Business

Many local business owners often question the validity of online marketing strategies. After all, where is the sense in spending time and resources in marketing your business to strangers online, when you have a solid customer base that recognizes it as an established presence on the high street? This attitude may have made the cut […]

Guest Blog on "PR in your Pajamas"

We’re stoked to have had the opportunity to be invited by the impressive Elena Verlee, to write a guest blog for PR in your Pajamas. If that doesn’t sound comfy enough (as long as you’re not going out in public, and in a college town like Chico, even that’s sometimes “acceptable”); we break down the […]

Office Productivity: Comparing Virtual and Serviced Environments

There is no doubt that the conventional notion of the workplace has changed drastically in the last 40 years. Following the ascendance of the Googleplex, offices are taking on a more dynamic, worker-friendly and informal structure. Not only old chestnuts like ergonomics and proper ventilation but the entire office landscape (the organization of furniture, workplace […]

5 Reasons to hire accountant for growing your small business

      A lot of new businesses start out with no help from accountants. This is one mistake which is common to most businesses which fold almost immediately. The accountant is a requirement if the company hopes to succeed in business. The following are some reasons to hire an accountant as soon as a […]

The Human Equation – a Conversation with Randy Gordon

    Part 5 of series on small business networking groups, Randy Gordon. This time, we dug deep into home-based businesses, networking groups and the hunger for human connection. Randy:     I want to go back to something you said about home-based businesses and tell you that we do have a pretty good share of […]

A Bad Fit – a Conversation with Randy Gordon

  Part 4 of our series on small business networking groups, Randy Gordon answers who is *not* a good fit for the Chamber. Nate:     So what would not be a good fit for the Chamber, and why? Randy:     Well, I think small business owners who have virtually no employees are a very difficult fit. […]