Good Fits – A Conversation with Randy Gordon

  Part 3 of our series on small business networking groups, Randy Gordon discusses which types of businesses benefit most from the Chamber of Commerce. Nate:     What category of business is the best fit for chamber membership? Who gets the most value out of it if they attend? And what category of business might not […]

TIME POVERTY – A Conversation with Randy Gordon

Part 2 of our series on small business networking groups, Randy Gordon discusses the negative effects time poverty has on healthy networking. Nate:     So the main objection that you’re hearing from Chamber members is: “I don’t have enough time?” Randy:     Yeah, we hear that a lot. For example, if somebody’s joined, then ten months […]

The Upsides & Downsides of Metro Chambers

Part 1 of our series on small business networking groups, Randy Gordon does a deep dive on the upsides and downsides of large metro Chambers of Commerce, and how business owners should navigate them. Randy:     Sometimes, chambers that are big—our chamber’s got a $1.5M budget with only seven employees, but the chambers of Los […]

Employee Engagement: The Component That Brings Success

There can be two very similar companies in the same city. They may sell the same items, set the same pricing per unit of product or service, and have an equal number of employees. However, the differences in their total production and sales are like night and day. One company is barely getting by. The […]

Niche Marketing For The Discriminating Business Owner

Ed. Note: This post from Dennis Styers (pictured left) is a shining example of the type of humor I like to include with our “advice for small business owner” columns. If only for that, it’s worth a read. This post also adheres philosophically with our Small Biz Commandment #4: Practice Confident Exclusion. Thanks for the […]

Small Biz Roadshow (CA)

  Agenda (incl. workshops, happy hours, hangs, food, beer, beach) Small Biz Triage is hitting the road again this March, for a California Roadshow. We’ll be running 4 workshops in 3 different cities, meeting with clients, hanging with amazing food biz owners, and re-connecting with our SoCal team. Read on for our detailed agenda. Sponsored […]

Wasted Time In The Workplace

ED. NOTE: This week’s blog post illuminates just how and where your employees are likely to waste their time. To John’s comments I’d like to add that flat rates and hard deadlines keep me productive. As Anthony Iannario says, “Time is finite and you can’t make more of it, so don’t manage your time- manage […]

6 Must-Read Business Books to Accomplish Success

  What is success and what can we do attain it? In today’s competitive business environment, only the smartest and bravest business gurus will succeed. That’s because they have the determination to stick to their guns and stand by what they believe in. Mastering the art of entrepreneurship is easier said than done; there’s so […]

10 worst mistakes that managers make while public speaking

Not all managers and CEOs have solid public speaking abilities; some are quite terrible at it. Believe it or not, sometimes the smartest people end up having the most boring presentations. They can’t see that public speaking is based on acquired skills that can only be improved through honest feedback and practice. Holding a presentation […]

How To Build Employee Trust

Trust doesn’t happen by default. It takes time and effort to build trust among the employees. It is essential to engage and motivate employees. Moreover the employees will be candid regarding the environment of the office, their co-workers, challenges they face and what all can be done for lucrative results. As an owner, here’s a few […]