5 Lessons from Real Checkout Lanes to Apply in Your eCommerce Checkout Process

Almost 60% of potential eCommerce customers abandon their shopping cart, according to MarketingSherpa data. Alternatively, Baymard Institute says 68.06% of online buyers abandon their shopping carts. This is the harsh reality of online retail businesses. In contrast, shoppers in brick and mortar stores hardly abandon their carts. So why do online buyers abandon their shopping […]

The Shark Tank Formula for Success

Ed. Note – You probably already know that we’re all about the bootstrap here at SBT. Still, we also know that some kingdoms aren’t built from sweat alone, and some ideas require a boost to get off the ground. So here, courtesy of SBT contributor Ivan, is a piece all about attracting investors to get […]

The Business Insurance Balance

When it comes to risk assessment, every business should ensure that they consider and conduct it with the utmost care. Incorrectly assessing the risks that threaten your business could result in you accidentally leaving yourself exposed and vulnerable. Insurance is a vital tool for business owners to protect their assets and their livelihood against potential […]

How to Build a Loyal Customer Base

A recent article by American business magazine Forbes highlighted how “Attracting new customers will cost your company 5 times more than keeping an existing customer”. Consequently, it is pivotal that small businesses can establish and retain a loyal customer base if they are to compete with large corporations. Listed below are some simple yet highly […]

Event Promotion: Earning Online And Offline Engagement

There are almost as many ways to promote an event these days as there are events themselves. From trendy social media platforms to more typical forms of online marketing like PPC and email lists, to offline forms of advertising such as direct mail and niche commercials, event planners are rather spoiled for choice. Here are […]

Small Business Taxes – A Cautionary Tale

-or- If you need help, ask for it This guest post comes from SBT’s favorite accountant, Harold Littlejohn. Why is he our favorite? Read on to find out. -Seth Nate and Seth at SmallBizTriage.com are extremely busy guys. So busy that when they converted their Washington-based Smallbiztriage.com business to an LLC (Limited Liability Company) in […]

Cheap Ways to Start A Business

This week’s guest post is a good follow up to last week’s. You ready to be your own boss? Here’s what Hannah Corbett has to say about it. For SBT’s perspective and passionate rebuttal, see also “How to Start Your Business the Wright Way” and “Don’t Borrow; Sell“. Think those articles conflict with some of the […]

Are You Ready To Be Your Own Boss?

This week’s guest post comes with a slick infographic. While the infographic is a fun way to self-assess your own motivation as a business owner, I know serious business owners aren’t going to let an infographic push them around. So enjoy the exercise (there’s always room for improvement), but don’t let it go to your […]

Hey Small Businesses, Stop Trying To Look Like Big Businesses

So you are a small business, it is just you and one or two employees. Great! You are in a better position than most large businesses to market your business, grow your business and adapt to changes in your marketplace. Customers want to do business with someone they know, like and trust.  They want to […]

Will I Go To Hell For Outsourcing?

Editor’s Note: No Doctor Who references in this post, I’m afraid, but this guest post from Holly Chavez goes above and beyond when it comes to thoroughly examining the question at hand. Enjoy! -Seth- If you’ve been weighing whether outsourcing varying components of your business can contribute to its success, you’ll want to take a number of factors into […]