Speak Up! Using Public Speaking to Market Your Business

Editor’s Note: This guest post from Jason Phillips is pretty dern timely if I do say so myself, since here at Small Biz Triage we’ve been running workshops like insane workshop junkies. As an editorial aside, I’d like to add that public speaking is more than just marketing your business, it’s providing and proving the […]

Unearthing Your Why – September 17th, 2014 (Paradise, CA)

What: Unearthing Your WhyMini-Workshop (20-min + Q&A) When: Wednesday, September 17th,  2014 – 12PM – 1PM Where: Cozy Diner, 6371 Skyway, Paradise CA 95969 (menu) In 2010 Simon Sinek exploded on the speaking circuit with his book Start with Why. His TED talk on the topic is the 3rd most viewed TED talk ever and for good reason […]

Crowdfunding Jam @ Chico Successful Thinkers Network

Mini-Workshop on crowdfunding with the Chico, CA chapter of the Successful Thinkers Network (a refreshingly low pressure networking group). Super energetic crowd of about 30 small business owners. Dug deep into the topics of “How do I make someone care?” and psychological buying/giving triggers. Shout out to Mark Holder of the Successful Thinkers Network in […]

Social Media Etiquette Guide for Businesses

Guest post time! And yes, it does contain Doctor Who references, as per my editorial guidelines. Don’t like it? Don’t read it! But seriously, I’ve got enough folks asking for social media advice, the least I can do is share this comprehensive infographic by Ivan Serrano. He really checks all the boxes here, so I […]

How to Find the Right Employee for Your Small Business

Successful hiring takes the one thing small business owners have none of: time. But, hiring the perfect employee for your business will ultimately save you time because this new team member will share the workload and come up with new ideas. He or she will also make your business more profitable, and raise the quality […]

Who Does Marketing for Small Business?

Ed. Note: This guest post comes from Tina Hamilton, aka Tina The Scribe. Tina took our guest post guidelines to heart, particularly the bit about Doctor Who references. Thanks, Tina! -Seth Branching out on a marketing limb can sometimes feel like risky business for small companies. But heading into the market with out a promotion […]

Multilingual Business

This guest contribution comes from Mark Kirkpatrick of smartvirtualphonenumber.com.  Enjoy! – Seth Plenty of businesses have had great business concepts, but haven’t exactly been in the position to make them all work out. We’ve all heard stories of items that have flopped hard in North America but continue to be loved and purchased in unlikely […]

2014 Resolutions – Progress Report

In the spirit of our ongoing pursuit of transparency, here’s a report card of how we are doing so far. For reference, here’s our original list: 1) Blog Less. Publish More. Converse More. THE VERDICT: Other than our sizable progress on the book (25% Complete), our other writing and outreach has been pushed way too far […]

A brief pictorial history of Small Biz Triage

April 9th, 2009 The Sonic Genesis     2010 More Clients, More Craziness  2011 Launched Intern Program, Traditional Exodus 2012 2013 Put on the Big Boy Pants 2014 started writing a book, launched first Small Biz Bootcamp, and apparently stopped taking pictures

Get Money, Get Paid: Your First Customer

Editor’s note: If you’ve been following along, then you already suspect what I’m about to tell you, that this is another excerpt from our work in progress. Why else would it have a note from Seth at the head of the article, right?  Right.   Glad you’re paying attention. -Seth   So you’ve done your […]