RIP Facebook Profile ThatsNotWright

After years of threatening my digital self with drunken tirades, and passionate sermons against inherently anti-social behaviors, I’ve finally done it – I killed my Facebook Profile. Read on to see why I made the decision, how I did it, and the aftermath of my public display of digital murder. Why should you delete your […]

Eliminate Single Points of Failure

The following is a response to Sebastian Marshall’s blog post: High Production, Shaky Habits. Hey Sebastian, long time listener, first time caller. Your challenges with a productive yet erratic / uneven schedule reminded me of a phrase we use religiously at my company –“Eliminate single points of failure”. Originally learned during my four years as […]

The 1st Small Biz Commandment

Commandment 1:  Be Intentional NOTE FROM NATE: So it’s been a month since we posted a commandment. Now, I”m pretty good at sticking to our editorial calendar +/- a day. But for some reason, this post was just too easy to delay. I thought I was just being lazy, or prioritizing my clients over my […]

The 3rd Small Biz Commandment

Commandment 3:  DON’T RUSH The sales funnel confuses more of my clients than even the most complicated WordPress plugin. And I can’t blame them. When I started out, I clearly didn’t get it either. Most people can grasp the concept of taking your prospective customer through different phases which eventually leads to the sale. However, […]

The 6th Small Biz Commandment

We use these as a compass to make sure we are taking our clients (and our company) in the right direction. Inevitably we slip up and break a commandment and pay the price in sanity, reputation, time and cash. The 6th Commandment:  GET UNCOMFORTABLE  Last month, Seth and I flew down to San Antonio, TX […]

Twitter, Donuts and Partnerships

When I first moved to Chico, I was still reeling from the anti-social passive aggressive brainwashing, also known as *living in Seattle for six years*. So in true I don’t like humans, so I’ll hide behind my computer fashion I hit up Twitter and found – well – not much. Twitter to Email to Meeting Not […]

How do I color code my Google Spreadsheet?

QUESTION I’ve build an availability calendar in Google Docs (Spreadsheet) and need to color-code it for easier scanning. How do I do that? ANSWER: We made a little video for you:

How do I organize my contacts in LinkedIn?

QUESTION: I’ve gone to the Support section of LinkedIn looking for a way to separate my Contacts in to Categories (Recuitment, Architecture, BIM Etc.) but no luck.  If you were to do this, how would you go about it ? And, how do I remove a contact ? ANSWER: LinkedIn is more of a contact builder / […]

Congrats Courtney

On behalf of everyone at Small Biz Triage, we want to enthusiastically congratulate Courtney Holmes on her new position at Gigantic Planet. We are all very excited for you and are very confident you will succeed at a very high level.  Although Courtney will be taking on this new position  we are still very fortunate enough […]

The 8th Small Biz Commandment

Another hard-earned lesson from one small biz owner to another. The 8th Commandment: LISTEN HARD. REMAIN RELEVANT. In my first year of business I pretended my way into a few Joomla Template customization projects. Hard work, I wasn’t very good at it, but my customers knew even less than I did so I figured it […]