Every man has his favorite charcoal, every woman has their favorite lip gloss, every kid their favorite toy, every cop their favorite hand-gun and every digital marketing geek their favorite tool.

HootSuite automates, tracks, measures and executes social network marketing campaigns.

I purchased premium subscriptions of HootSuite for all of my social network marketing clients.  At $5.99 / month it’s worth every penny.

We are currently using HootSuite to manage the nationwide Facebook / Twitter campaign for The Artist Toolbox.  It allows us to quickly identify super-networkers talking about the brand, schedule geo-targeted TV listing updates to different markets, send “tune in now” tweets for red-eye episodes.  The most important feature that I regularly use is the “Popular Tweets” function which will allow you to see which status updates / tweets are really working.  This informs future campaigns.

Drop me a line at [email protected] if you want some advice on how to implement HootSuite to manage your campaigns.

– Nate –

“The Marketing Guy”

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