
My Three Words – 2018 Edition

My Three Words is an annual tradition started by unapologetically human marketing phenom Chris Brogan. Why three words? It’s way more effective – and easier to remember – than a long list of

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Genuinely Curious

“This is just stupid!” I roared from inside my boss’ windowless office. Thankfully no windows meant good acoustics for rage-Nate. Debra, my boisterous, blond boss had been trying to teach me

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Billy Gold Tries to Measure Magic

Billy Gold Tries to Measure Magic Nate sits down with Billy Gold, unapologetic human extraordinaire, old market research hand and pal who has had a backstage pass to many of

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Know Your Enemy

Publishing Date: August 1, 2022 “The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”– Sun Tzu – When you hear the words’ enemy or competitor, your brain

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Check Your Biases

The Art Of War Of The Inbox Principle #4 Check Your Biases Publishing Date: August 1, 2022 I read books, study human biases, and even have a copy of “Psychology

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Stop Fighting Fair

July 29, 2022 “According as circumstances are favorable, one should modify one’s plans.” – Sun Tzu- Your email inbox has become a warzone. And when in times of war, wise generals

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