Credit: Army Office of Medical History
Credit: Army Office of Medical History

The Owners Bootcamp is a well-orchestrated regimen of 5 hands-on workshops distilled into one-weekend with a single purpose: helping small biz owners scale the wall of their own building. You know, that one project, or business idea that keeps slipping, and losing momentum.

And to minimize that most common distraction – real life – we’ve booked a secluded and spacious vacation home nestled in the Cascade Mountains – to allow our owners a peaceful and highly focused weekend away.

Our roster of six attendees has been hand-picked, each with a different area of expertise to inject more breadth and experience into each collaborative session.

Our agenda breaks the weekend up into five separate working sessions, each with a customized outcome per owner, and each with the opportunity for attendees to voice their problems/dilemmas/questions, and help answer those questions for others.  I’ve never done or seen anything like this beyond my old writing workshop days, so I’m excited to find out how it goes.

Here’s what the agenda looks like (with each of the six owners participating receiving). Each workshop – with a few exceptions, will run 3-hours and include an energizing fitness break courtesy Fetch Fitness.

This weekend will pull all of us (Nate and I included) onto our feet and out of our comfort zones.

SESSION 1: Distillation

Where do your want to go? Which parts of your project or business need simplification? How can you focus  and distill your idea into a nugget that’s more digestable? 

SESSION 2: Targeting

Who do you want to help? Where can you find these people?

SESSION 3: Ecosystems

What communities do you belong to? Which ecosystem do those belong to? How can you gain influence and credibility within your ecosystem to grow a stronger business, increase your odds?

SESSION 4: Mapping

Editorial Calendars, Task Management, Tools, Delegation, etc…  All of the pieces necessary to build a better plan (roadmap) that proactively dodges the obstacles common to all businesses.

SESSION 5: Execution

Accountability, Productivity, Focus, Rituals and other concept that need to become your new reality to execute the idea to completion, the business to profitability.

Bad news: our first bootcamp is full. 

Good news: if you’re subscribed to our mailing list, you’ll know as soon as we do the next one.  We’re ankle-deep in planning weekend bootcamp’s in cities such as San Francisco, Austin, New York, Belgrade (Serbia).

Want your city to be pushed to the top of the list? Let us know!

I’ll have a full report after Easter weekend for you.  Until then, keep dreaming big, and give us a call already.


– Seth –

p.s. Nate and I have been kicking around a ton of names for this bootcamp influenced by a wide array of pop culture references from the 13th Warrior to Red Dawn to Star Trek. In the end we’ll keep it simple, and take our own advice – listen to your fans, and they’ll let you know what they want to call you. In the meantime, quiz time – here’s some nuggets of inspiration we leaned on during the planning.

“This sword is too big.”
“Then grow stronger little brother”


“RULE 32: Enjoy the little things.”

“You had to give it to him. He had a plan. And it started to make sense in a Tyler sort of way. No fear, no distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.”