The Small Biz Triage team is coming to Texas, and there are many reasons why you should be joining us.  Are you a fan of Pizza? Or maybe a fan of beer?  Well we have you covered!

On Thursday, May 16th we will be hosting a workshop where pizza will be served.  The workshop is a crash course in transforming digital attention into beautiful human customers.

On top of helping out small business owners, we will be exploring opportunities to open up an additional office in the great state of Texas to be on hands for all our awesome clients there, which include BudgetDoc, Ubertronix, BBimaging, Dr. Hakeem, Dr. Larson, and possibly you?

Well what about the beer?

First round of drinks at a local bar afterwards are on us.  The after party will be a fun time all around in a “sales-free zone” beginning around 7 pm.  

So come join us at Geekdom San Antonio on May 16th, or for the after party soon afterwards. Sign up for either our workshop or after party here and enter the code early2 to receive a 25% discount (expires may 9th @ midnight) on the workshop itself.  After party is free.  Hope to see you there!