Preach What We Practice

The sixth installment of our new blog series, “Preach what we Practice” where we’ll give fellow small business owners a back-stage pass to how we do business. This week I’m digging into Google Chrome.

– Nate –

Google Bookmarks vs Evernote

evernote-vs-googleI’m a recent convert to Evernote, the slick bookmarking, tagging, work-booking, screen-shotting super tool. Prior to that I had some ridiculously well-organized Google Bookmarks, and pruned them weekly like they were leaves on a rare bonsai tree.

After waffling back and forth between the two tools, I’ve established a ratio of usage between the two that is low maintenance and drives my productivity way up.

Read on.


Package / Cost / Setup

Google Bookmarks are integrated with Google Chrome, and are traditionally synced up with your Google Account. They used to be easily managed via however upon reviewing it just now, all that is there are my Starred Locations from Google Maps.  Oh well, ;^)

Evernote has a beefy free edition that has been sufficient for my needs so far. I’m sure I’ll make the jump to the Evernote for Business edition within the next few months (only $10/user/month), especially since our blogging tempo has increased. I use the Evernote Web Clipper Google Chrome Extension, Evernote for Web, and the desktop version as-needed. They sync seamlessly so I don’t see any downside to biting into whichever flavor is within reach.


How do we use Google Bookmarks for our small business?

My Google Bookmarks
My Google Bookmarks


How do we use Evernote for our small business?


Bonus Tips:

CloudHQ is a slick little cloud-based tool that will sync up Basecamp, Evernote, Google Docs, etc… I beta tested it for them last year and was very impressed. Not using it at the moment since I would need to upgrade the storage on Basecamp for a proper project folder syncing – and since many of our clients use large files (videos) it would create a significant recurring expense. Check out CloudHQ here.

Starting this Fall, we’ll be sharing our favorite templates, check-lists, tutorials, etc… to our email subscribers. That includes everything from marketing checklists to finance spreadsheets to comprehensive how-to guides for tools such as CutePDF, and sales funnels.

Launches in early October 2013. Sign-up here to be notified of the release date and details.