Preach What We Practice

The fourth installment of our new blog series, “Preach what we Practice” where we’ll give fellow small business owners a back-stage pass to how we do business. This week I’m digging into Google Chrome.

– Nate –

Background: Google Chrome Shortcut Keys

Windows Button
Windows Button

In the age of ‘cloud computing’ the internet browser has become as (if not more) important as your operating system. In the 90’s I remember the measure of computer prowess was how fast you can barrel through common DOS commands (dir /p), then in Windows it was the Start button shortcuts (Windows-E), and now it’s the myriad of shortcut keys in Google Chrome.


Package / Cost / Setup

We just use the latest version of Google Chrome – Version 29.0.1547.76 m at the writing of this post.

There’s no need to install anything to use Google Chrome’s shortcut keys (though Gmail may require keyboard commands to be enabled).


Which Google Chrome Shortcuts does our business use:

Here’s my personal list … some are just basic system shortcuts, but some are Chrome specific: (Mac users would replace Ctrl with Cmd).


What we *DON’T* use Google Chrome Shortcuts for:

For the sake of running a highly productive operation, we avoid going crazy with tabs. Most office productivity experts recommend the “touch only once policy” – the only tabs that should be open are the ones you are currently working on. And if you agree that multi-tasking is a fallacy like me, then the idiom translates into a diet low in tabs. Right now I have three tabs open – the Google Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet and Basecamp (where I’ll cross this post off my list when I publish it).


Bonus Tips:

Starting this Fall, we’ll be sharing our favorite templates, check-lists, tutorials, etc… to our email subscribers. That includes everything from marketing checklists to finance spreadsheets to comprehensive how-to guides for tools such as CutePDF, and sales funnels.

Launches in early October 2013. Sign-up here to be notified of the release date and details.