an unfiltered, and (gasp) unedited look into my head when pondering the future of my own small biz.


MacGyver – Burn Notice – Man vs Wild – Food 911
What am I missing?
What story do I want to tell?
What kind of man do I want to be?
Who needs help? Who wants help? Who has earned some help?
… All small business owners need something to sell, a way to sell it and customers
… All small business owners need a paramedic OR a surgeon
… Not all small business owners will make it
… Some small biz owners will make it, but shouldn’t (assholes, douchebags)
… Some small biz owners won’t make it, despite their best efforts (not cut-out for that type of work
… And some small biz owners don’t know how to make it. That’s my primary target.

Who do I want to help? How do I plan on doing that?
… Small Biz owners who know they need something (but may not necessarily know what that something is)

Do I have an end-game? Do I even need one?
… no and no. Over-planning pulls focus from the problem staring at your cleavage.
What’s the problem, really?
… I’ve been helping a lot of wrong business owners (weak
… helping the wrong businesses

So how will I fix it?
… Brains – yes, fixing small biz problems takes some gnarly problem-solving skills at times
… Grit – and other times, all of the tools and tactics are in arms reach, they just need to be beat into submission
… Money – of course.