If Conversation is Ice Cream, What's Your Customers' Favorite Flavor?

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B2B Bandits

If Conversation is Ice Cream, What's Your Customers' Favorite Flavor?

I caught myself re-using the ice cream flavors metaphor AGAIN when talking to one of my clients, so I thought I’d ask myself that same question:

If conversation is ice cream, what’s your customers’ favorite flavor?

And cone? And time of day they prefer to eat it?

And what flavor, cone, and time of day do they hate?

Well I like any variation of coconut ice cream served on a cake cone (1 scoop is fine), usually in the afternoon, preferably in the winter.  If snow is on the ground, even better.  I hate soft serve in a cup in the heat of summer. 

And if conversation was ice cream, I would want it:

  • After dinner.
  • At least 30-minutes in length.
  • In-person, phone call being second best.
  • About intense topics, life, love, dreams, pain, beauty, and everything in-between. And occasionally movie and TV critique discussions.

And what I hate? Conversation …

  • In the morning.
  • Less than 5-minutes.
  • Over text, Facebook IM being a close second.
  • About anything that I don’t care about (weather, sports, the economy, celebrity gossip)

And my customers.  It varies a bit.  A few love text and Facebook, but the for the most part, 15-minute phone calls (5 minutes of humorous pep talk + 10 minutes of value) in the mornings for one half, after the kids go to bed for the rest.

What about you?

And what about your customers?


photo credit: Chris JL via photopin cc

Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.

Robert Greena’s 6th strategy of War state

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