Dos And Don'ts For A Killer Business Presentation

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Dos And Don'ts For A Killer Business Presentation

All entrepreneurs and company executives need to be able to talk about the products they are manufacturing and selling. They must be able to engage an audience and convince them that the product they are offering is not only the best on the market but the one thing their company cannot do without. No matter how experienced you are the following tips will help you to provide the best presentation of your life.


Describe an issue, and aim at fixing it

Before you can begin any presentation you need to know that your target audience needs your product. It is essential to understand what issue they are facing. Start your presentation with a description of this issue; show the other party that you understand their problem. Then proceed to unveil the solution. You will have identified with your customer, made a connection and provided a solution. They can’t help but want your product!

You are not important!

This may sound like a confusing concept but it is an excellent approach. Do not attempt to sell yourself or your company. Engage your audience and connect with them. You will need to mention who you are and make sure they know where they can obtain literature with your contact details. A presentation can be short as long as you leave an impression – their curiosity will do the rest. It is important to remember that the audience is there because they have an interest in the subject. Keep your speech to the point and informative.

Visual aids can help, but don’t depend on them

As the title says, these are aids. No slide should have more than ten words and there should be no more slides that absolutely necessary. Too many slides or too much writing will simply distract the audience from your message.

Relate to your audience

You must make them effort to be one of them, to understand and even be frustrated by the problems facing them. Your empathy and a few personal stories will ensure that they relate to you and the business parts will take care of themselves.


No matter how good you think you are at presentations you should practice. If you know your material inside out you will be comfortable and confident in any presentation. This will prevent you from getting nervous or freezing up on stage.


The follow up

The presentation is only the first stage. Having connected to some or all of the people on a general level you need to move in for the kill. Talking to people face to face or electronically after the presentation will allow a real connection to be made. This relationship will sell your product or service for you.

Know when and if humor is appropriate

If you are naturally funny then you may be able to get away with dropping a few jokes in. However, humor can come across differently on stage to how you envision it. A better approach is to give a simple, to the point presentation that informs and engages.

Let your personality shine

People connect to people, not to machines or handwritten notes. You were probably asked to do the speech as you care about the subject. Let your enthusiasm and your own personality show. People will understand and respect this. They will also find it easy to connect to someone they could actually envision having a drink in the pub with.

Never read from a script

This is one of the biggest no’s and the easiest ways to switch an audience off. Reading from a script or a set of slides makes it look as though you do not know your facts. Your voice will almost certainly sound monotonous and you will have no vital eye contact with your audience.

Prepare for questions

The questions and answers section is almost always at the end of a presentation and can be the lasting impression that many people take away with them. This makes it imperative that you prepare for this section. Work out what questions are likely to be asked and have your answers ready.

Are you ready to give a killer business presentation? Whether you’re a small business owner or renowned CEO, the key here is to know your stuff. Enter business meeting armed with information, and use your charisma to make the speech seem natural and engaging.

By Jason Phillips and!

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Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.

Robert Greene’s 6th Strategy of War States.

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