My Three Words for 2014, Routine, …

Picture of B2B Bandits

B2B Bandits

My Three Words for 2014, Routine, …

A response to Anthony Iannarino.


After reviewing my own ridiculous list of resolutions this year, I immediately became overwhelmed. Then I remembered what my client Kevin Archbold (Key Consulting) consistently preaches during our weekly calls – never neglect your schedule or your critical path. So I roughly mapped out the critical path for my resolutions – the verdict: EVERY resolution hinged on my ability to dominate my routine. If I do not steadily hack and optimize my routine, I will certainly fail. And the anchor of my routine is a weekly review of my schedule.



Seth & I wrote 29 articles in 2013 on injecting humanity back into our marketing (and our lives). And 3 out of 5 of our company resolutions revolved around this goal, from meeting our clients and vendors in-person worldwide, to launching a real bootcamp for small business owners. Who would really want to tweet someone in their ecosystem, if they had the chance to jam with them in-person? NOBODY works with us because our logo is cool, or posts are witty … they hire us because we show up and work our asses off.


The nexus of my motivations for this year is a hunger for strength. Strong enough to walk away from a malformed deal. Strong enough to accept Seth’s rare (but damn near spot-on) criticisms of my work. Strong enough to press forward when I’m scared shitless. Strong enough to tell a client no, my daughter’s karate class will ALWAYS be more important than your project, and no I’m not sorry for saying that. Strong enough to ignore shortcuts. Strong enough to declare: enough mediocrity, this is gonna be hard, and will probably hurt, but I’m going to do it anyways because I must.

 Make your own list here.

Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.

Robert Greena’s 6th strategy of War state

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