Unconventional B2B Strategy #6
1805. Europe was done with Napoleon’s bullshit.
In a few years, the Napoleon had taken over:
- ALL of Spain, Belgium & the Netherlands
- HALF of Italy
- 20% of the German States
- 13% of Austria
So, Austria called Russia for backup. Together, they deployed 85,000 troops.
Austria’s General Mack had a solid plan.
Surround and overwhelm the French with sheer numbers. No amount of trickery could overcome their size advantage, right?
With no allies (or escape route), Napoleon had one remaining advantage.
- Willing to risk real troops on a ‘believable’ fake retreat.
- Willing to let his generals make major decisions on their own.
- Willing to march his army over 300 miles in 13 days to outflank Mack.
In just 2-weeks, Napoleon divided Austria’s forces, cut their supply lines, and blocked Russian reinforcements.
Robert Greene’s 6th Strategy of War states: “Controlled-chaos. The critical elements in war are speed and adaptability—the ability to move and make decisions faster than the enemy … Give [your troops] the spirit of the campaign, a mission to accomplish, and room to run.”
Here’s how we can adapt this strategy to the #B2B Battlefield.
When leading your team—or freelancers:
- Share clear intent and orders
- Provide tools, data, and maybe a Brex card?
- Grant authority to course-correct without approval
- Forgive mistakes made in pursuit of speed or improvement.
Dan Heath and Chip Heath’s Decisive offers game-changing principles for this:
- Pre-Mortems: Visualize failure. Ask, “Why did we fail?” List risks. Update plan.
- Tripwires: Predetermine actions for key scenarios. IF engagement <1% after 60 days AND $6,500 spend, THEN pause the campaign
- Deadline the Decision to prevent #analysisparalysis
Mack relied on size + brute force. 2024 companies rely on automation.
Become willing to:
- Handwrite notes AND addresses.
- Drop off donuts to office staff.
- Pick up the phone.
And if all else fails, take a cue from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves