Famous ad man Dave Trott says that of the billions spent annually on advertising & marketing in the U.K – 4% is remembered positively, 7% negatively, and 89% is neither noticed nor remembered.
The reason X catches your attention is likely your analogy instinct which helped prehistoric humans stay alive by forcing us to identify anything out of place as potentially dangerous (or helpful).
Consider breaking out of the email channel entirely. Instead of pushing your typical monthly ‘nurture’ newsletter, break the pattern with a snail-mailed printed newsletter.
Or you can message them via their social media channel of choice.
Or you can just pick up your phone, call them and say yo!
the new channel or medium is likely to be interpreted by your prospects as an invasion of privacy, e.g., texting when they have never given you their cell number, let alone permission to send to it.
Here are a few walk-away questions for you to ponder:
What new tactics can you deploy when running campaigns? Will the change attract or repel your prospects? How can you test it?
What would it look like to do the exact opposite of your biggest competitor?
And how would you vary it over time??
Let me know how ‘varying your tactics’ works out – or doesn’t – in your email campaigns.
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