Seems like a good deal, right?  1,000 Twitter Followers for $9.95 is indeed a bargain.

Short answer – don’t do it. Buying followers is like buying an outdated mailing list.  Small biz owners are in the business of helping people for money.  I doubt any of those 1,000 robot accounts needs your help, let alone is willing to spend money on it.  There may be some *real* people buried in there, but they do you think they actual even login to their Twitter account.  And when was the last time you actually received a referral from someone who didn’t even know you?

But – you can grow your business on that gnarly platform by growing connections the old fashioned way with some help from some cool digital tools that minimize the geekery required.

Recommended Reading:  Making Human Connections with Twitter

Where do I start?

Easiest way to start is to just start talking to the type of people you want to help.  Then read a few books, dig into a few how-to blogs, and start doing it.



photo credit: IMs BILDARKIV via photopin cc