Books that can boost your business acumen & possibly improve your life

Whether we’re entrepreneurs, realtors, CEOs or managers, it’s really important to do everything in our power to help our start-ups thrive. Believe it or not, there’s no need for business people to have an MBA from a reputable university to do well in their field of activity. Sometimes, all we need is something to motivate […]

How Solopreneurs & Small Businesses Can Use Pinterest

Pinterest is one of those social media platforms that many people struggle with using as a marketing avenue at first. It differs significantly from the more familiar Facebook, and looks nothing like the often used Twitter. I’m going to start by giving you the basic tools for success on Pinterest as a marketing platform, and […]

The Shark Tank Formula for Success

Ed. Note – You probably already know that we’re all about the bootstrap here at SBT. Still, we also know that some kingdoms aren’t built from sweat alone, and some ideas require a boost to get off the ground. So here, courtesy of SBT contributor Ivan, is a piece all about attracting investors to get […]

Are You Ready To Be Your Own Boss?

This week’s guest post comes with a slick infographic. While the infographic is a fun way to self-assess your own motivation as a business owner, I know serious business owners aren’t going to let an infographic push them around. So enjoy the exercise (there’s always room for improvement), but don’t let it go to your […]

Get Money, Get Paid: Your First Customer

Editor’s note: If you’ve been following along, then you already suspect what I’m about to tell you, that this is another excerpt from our work in progress. Why else would it have a note from Seth at the head of the article, right?  Right.   Glad you’re paying attention. -Seth   So you’ve done your […]