Reasons Why Your Business Negotiation Skills Are Not What They Could Be

Everywhere you turn you will hear people talking about negotiation. It has become one of the “in” words and is often associated with big company deals or inter-country politics. In fact, negotiation is a part of everyone’s lives and is undertaken daily. You will notice that every day interactions involve discussing options with someone and […]

Steampunk + Anime + … Tea?

CHALLENGE: Small Biz Triage was approached by a talented young tea maker who wanted to start a business.  Initially we discussed securing a booth at the NW Tea Festival.  The catch: the business had no name, no website, no packaging, no brand, no strategy, no budget … you get the picture. SOLUTION: The three things […]

Practical Creativity … freak antiques

Practical Creativity is Kenny Judd, Artist, Father, Husband and dreamer. Like a modern day Dr. Frankenstein Judd breaths life into his toy friends as an old doorstop become a body, pieces of driftwood become arms, bungee-cord springs take shape and sprout legs, and marbles and washers open up and become eyes. Like our good friend […]

Selling, Guilt-Free

Know yourself If you’re confident with who you are and know that your intentions are in the right place (that being….for your customers, not just yourself), then you’ll overcome the greatest barrier to selling….YOURSELF! If you know yourself, you’ll be confident with what you know you know, and what you know you don’t know. . […]