Zach Lyons Wants You To Eat More Herring

Zach Lyons Wants You To Eat More Herring Ed. Note: Nate has some fires to put out (figuratively) due to the literal fires in S. CA this week. Meaning two things: a) I’m the interviewer in this episode and b) my liner notes are even more misleading than usual. Also because of the unplanned swaperoo, […]

Alica Forneret Wants You To Eat Crow Pie

Alica Forneret Wants You To Eat Crow Pie Ed. Note: My liner notes for this episode are terrible. Was too busy listening to type good notes. Whoops! Is this my favorite episode so far? Guess you’ll have to listen to find out! -Seth Highlights: Born and raised in southern CA, studied writing and journalism in […]

The Individualization Obsession of Mike Giles

The Individualization Obsession of Mike Giles Nate speaks to Mike Giles of The Prospecting Wizard, who shares our obsession with injecting humanity into business. Pull up a chair and have a listen to find out where Mike has successfully added crazy levels of individualization to his marketing efforts and what he’s working on next. Highlights: Started […]

Corey Singleton's Life, Universe, and Future of Marketing Agencies

Corey Singleton’s Life, Universe, and Future of Marketing Agencies Nate speaks with SBT’s favorite Canadian, Corey Singleton. Listen to the episode to learn how Corey purchased and sold his first franchise before launching into a new phase of his life, what came after that, and what he believes is coming next. Highlights: “I was about […]

Bob's Perfect Business

Bob’s Perfect Business After years in the investment industry, Bob Ellis created with a goal to bring the brick and mortar experience to eCommerce. 25+ years later, he hopped on the phone with SBT’s own Nate Wright to share his story. Highlights: “It all started when I spoke with my high school guidance counselor” […]

10 Cost Saving Ideas for Small Businesses

Statistically, small business owners are already at a disadvantage. According to industry studies, only 50% of small businesses remain operational after 5 years. If you factor in the 2008 recession, the number may have to be adjusted downward. A recent study by Bank of America showed that 64% of small businesses are still trying to […]

Combining Twitter and Wordpress Remarketing

Using WordPress to build a website is a great decision. As many regular readers of this blog should know, there are many advantages to using the old blogging standard. One of those is a relatively new concept called Twitter Remarketing. Its ability to connect your Twitter account to your overall online marketing goals can not […]

Get Your Citations Straight: Optimizing Off Page SEO

What is off page SEO? Effective SEO strategy involves more than having a website with all the right things. It also requires making efforts elsewhere on the internet. The major search engines are programmed to think that the more other sites link back to your site, the better your content is. There are things you […]

How to Identify Influencers for Your Small Business

Here’s the first of our new “Uncensored Small Biz” video series, with small biz owners in mind. This video covers the three attributes an influencer has. To learn more about how to approach influencers and build your reach, check out our series of four blogs specifically related to influencer outreach in the links below.  Read more about finding influencers […]

How Solopreneurs & Small Businesses Can Use Pinterest

Pinterest is one of those social media platforms that many people struggle with using as a marketing avenue at first. It differs significantly from the more familiar Facebook, and looks nothing like the often used Twitter. I’m going to start by giving you the basic tools for success on Pinterest as a marketing platform, and […]