The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Surety Bonds

If you’re a small business owner, chances are you’ve purchased a surety bond. If you’re just getting started on the journey of small business ownership, it’s likely you’ll need to purchase a surety bond in the near future. Either way, you should know exactly what a surety bond is, why you’re buying one, and what […]

Injecting Financial Efficiency into your Start-Up Business

The road to successful entrepreneurship can be a long and rocky one. Therefore when your business is in the start-up phase it is important to ensure financial efficiency is a prime consideration in any decision you make. The five steps outlined below will make sure your business is built on firm foundations. 1. Choice of […]

Small Business Taxes – A Cautionary Tale

-or- If you need help, ask for it This guest post comes from SBT’s favorite accountant, Harold Littlejohn. Why is he our favorite? Read on to find out. -Seth Nate and Seth at are extremely busy guys. So busy that when they converted their Washington-based business to an LLC (Limited Liability Company) in […]

Cheap Ways to Start A Business

This week’s guest post is a good follow up to last week’s. You ready to be your own boss? Here’s what Hannah Corbett has to say about it. For SBT’s perspective and passionate rebuttal, see also “How to Start Your Business the Wright Way” and “Don’t Borrow; Sell“. Think those articles conflict with some of the […]

Hey Small Businesses, Stop Trying To Look Like Big Businesses

So you are a small business, it is just you and one or two employees. Great! You are in a better position than most large businesses to market your business, grow your business and adapt to changes in your marketplace. Customers want to do business with someone they know, like and trust.  They want to […]

Will I Go To Hell For Outsourcing?

Editor’s Note: No Doctor Who references in this post, I’m afraid, but this guest post from Holly Chavez goes above and beyond when it comes to thoroughly examining the question at hand. Enjoy! -Seth- If you’ve been weighing whether outsourcing varying components of your business can contribute to its success, you’ll want to take a number of factors into […]

How to Find the Right Employee for Your Small Business

Successful hiring takes the one thing small business owners have none of: time. But, hiring the perfect employee for your business will ultimately save you time because this new team member will share the workload and come up with new ideas. He or she will also make your business more profitable, and raise the quality […]

2013 Christmas Brag Board

AKA The Year in Review As of January 1st, I, Seth Rasmussen, will have been a partner in this crazy business called Small Biz Triage for one year.  In April, Nate will celebrate 5 years of owning SBT.  Those aren’t the only milestones we’re celebrating.  See below for our year in review (2013 edition): So […]

Mailchimp for Small Business

Lessons learned from over 200 Mailchimp campaigns Yep, that’s another milestone for the Small Biz triage team.  You may now uncork your champagne bottles. <pop!> S’alright, enough bragging from me.  If you’re looking for a quick rundown of some Mailchimp best practices for your small business, keep reading.  If you’re looking for more in-depth answers, […]

Using Google Drive for Small Business

Preach What We Practice Series This is the first installment of our new blog series, “Preach what we Practice” where we’ll give fellow small business owners a back-stage pass to how we do business. This week I’ll dig into our file management practices. – Nate – Confession time. I used to HATE Google Drive. It […]