“When Nate offered to gift me a Small Biz Boost Package the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I was ready! I’m so grateful to have gotten so much marketing education. I learned how to manage my new website he created complete with eCommerce AND how to continue improving my S.E.O.

This is marketing for the long haul!

The work is so efficient that within just a couple months of this once in a lifetime opportunity: Small Biz Boost Package, I was able to book my first appointment with a new client who purely found me online having never met me before. My business is available to a broader demographic now thanks to my eCommerce ability. And his S.E.O. work is so efficient that if you google “chico massage myofascial” my website is now the FIRST to appear!”


Serenity Love
Certified Massage Therapist
Small Biz Boost Recipient