Episode 2: Storytelling, Marketing & Modern Media

RSVP for the live broadcast of the second edition of The MindFire Chats.

Thu, Jan 31, 8:00 PM EST – 9:00 PM EST

“marketing is a story”
– Seth Godin

“Stories are … the currency of human contact.”
– Robert McKee

“Great stories happen to those who can tell them”
– Ira Glass

On this second edition of The MindFire Chats we’ll be discussing Storytelling, Marketing & Modern Media with three experts with three diverse backgrounds in storytelling. From story’s importance in branding, to the latest platforms to tell your company’s story, this panel will uncover some amazing tactics and approaches for incorporating story into your organizations marketing for maximum effect.


The panel includes:


Brian Clark
– Founder of Copyblogger Media, and Editor in Chief for Entreproducer.com. Brian is considered by most marketers to be the top authority in writing for the web, from landing page copy to blogging.

Doug Pray
– Emmy-Winning Documentary Filmmaker of of ART & COPY. Doug directs commercials for a variety of Fortune 500 clients, and co-founded Wild Mind Film Camp for documentary filmmakers.

John Jacobsen
– Executive Director of TheFilmSchool, one of the world’s top programs in screenwriting, host of “The Artist’s Toolbox” (PBS), and an expert in story.


The MindFire Chats are the live component to INSIDE THE MIND, a web series covering the latest and greatest in online marketing hosted by Tommy Walker. The panels are produced by Small Biz Triage and sponsored by TheFilmSchool.  RSVP to join us live and submit your questions.