"Unearthing Your Why" @ the Oroville Chapter of the Successful Thinkers Network
“Unearthing Your Why” @ the Oroville Chapter of the Successful Thinkers Network (VIDEO)

What: Unearthing Your Why
Mini-Workshop (20-min + Q&A)

When: Wednesday, September 17th,  2014 – 12PM – 1PM

Where: Cozy Diner, 6371 Skyway, Paradise CA 95969 (menu)

In 2010 Simon Sinek exploded on the speaking circuit with his book Start with Why. His TED talk on the topic is the 3rd most viewed TED talk ever and for good reason – it defines the foundation for damn near everything we do and care about. So, we tweaked his golden circle concept specifically for small business owners, to help them hone the message of their business. Everyone should know what you’re doing, and how, but do they know why? Getting to the bottom of the vision behind your business will help you reach your target market on a more emotional, personal, and above all human-level that simply telling them what you sell.

In this high tempo, highly interactive workshop you’ll answer:

No RSVP Required … just show up, and dig in.

Note from Nate:  Many of you know we’re quite vocal of our low opinion of networking groups, however, Successful Thinkers Network is one of the only groups around who deliberately focuses on interacting before selling, effectively injecting humanity back into business. And its free.  AND you get a little TED talk from a local member every week. And Jerre, the ambassador in Paradise is a rad lady.