The 10th Small Biz Commandment

We use these as a compass to make sure we are taking our clients (and our company) in the right direction. Inevitably we slip up and break a commandment and pay the price in sanity, reputation, time and cash. The 10th Commandment:  BE HUMAN Society is littered with technology. Hell, this itty bitty article is […]

When a Good App Dies: RIP FollowFridayHelper

So I dove into FollowFridayHelper about 20 minutes ago and was met with this: They have “FollowFridayHelper has been Shut Down for Good” – <sniffle><sniffle>. This was a dreadfully simple, and ridiculously effective bit of micro-copy, but dammmmmmmmmiiiiiiit. But what now?

Putting on Our Big Boy Pants

Last night I “incorporated” Small Biz Triage with the Washington Office of the Secretary of State. Now we (meaning me and community management extraordinaire Seth Rasmussen) will be one of these effective January 1st, 2013: SMALL BIZ TRIAGE, LLCNON-PROFIT TRIAGE, LLCSETH IN THE FLESH, LLC Now you combine that with the fact that we are […]

Elvin Enters the Building, and other Small Biz Stuff

Weekly Wrap for Small Biz Owners It’s Wednesday … and time for a new wrinkle to my content marketing strategy – heh, heh. Sorry, can’t help chuckling.  I don’t have a content marketing strategy <gasp>.   I’m just try to small biz owners grow their business.  However, looking at my own glorious prose and annotated […]

Irvines Images – Gone Viral

One of my clients, Irvines Images, just had a photo they submitted to a popular Facebook Page go viral today.  Check out these stats! (Oh, and the picture is pretty cool too).     Lesson Learned: Don’t be afraid to ask. Irvines Images just message a Facebook Page with a gargantuan audience, “Hey could you […]

Goodbye @ThatsNotWright

The Sordid Business of Deleting a Twitter Account Sniffle, Sniffle. After weeks and weeks of deliberation (seriously), I’ve finally decided to nuke my @ThatsNotWright on Twitter. May not seem a big deal. I mean, people delete their social media accounts all the time, especially minimalists like me. But this was my first,  And it represented […]

Looking for Heroes

This week, I re-read one of my favorite blogs about what it really means to be a small biz owner: Why Everyone Hopes You’ll Be Their Hero by Robert Bruce. The short but powerful piece has guided many of my business decisions by reminding me to overcome mediocrity and let my more emotional self drive me through tougher projects. […]

Camus for the Small Biz Owner

“The only way to deal with an un-free world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Albert Camus Been really digging the work of Albert Camus lately. An early 20th century French philosopher, writer and playwright, his work has become even more relevant in this digital age. […]

My 12 Favorite Business Expenses

I am cheap.  Really cheap. I run a paperless office not for efficiency, but because I can’t stand to cough up $39 for a pair of HP 1610 Printer Cartridges every month, and a $110 Western Digital Backup Drive from Costco every other year. An aspiring minimalist, I pursued that lifestyle not for its zen […]

Re-Purposing Google Reader for Small Biz

Update: Google reader’s death clock has started.  As of July 1st, Google will no longer offer their reader service.  Don’t cry, all is not lost.   Reader is an often ignored tool in Google’s overwhelming volume if tools and apps.  Geeks like me have used it for years to read the latest tech and productivity blogs, […]