The Artist Toolbox – secrets of creative genius, revealed

The Artist Toolbox takes a “never-before-seen-on-TV” approach to accessing the most prolific innovators in the arts.  The idea is simple – make available to the public some of the most influential creative-action and thought leaders, from nearly every genre of creativity. It packages countless hours of research and time spent with the artists on camera […]

Selling, Guilt-Free

Know yourself If you’re confident with who you are and know that your intentions are in the right place (that being….for your customers, not just yourself), then you’ll overcome the greatest barrier to selling….YOURSELF! If you know yourself, you’ll be confident with what you know you know, and what you know you don’t know. . […]

Biz Health Tip #1 – HootSuite

Every man has his favorite charcoal, every woman has their favorite lip gloss, every kid their favorite toy, every cop their favorite hand-gun and every digital marketing geek their favorite tool. HootSuite automates, tracks, measures and executes social network marketing campaigns. I purchased premium subscriptions of HootSuite for all of my social network marketing clients. […]

Nate Wright – Marketing

My name is Rich and I’m Nate Wright’s partner in crime in Small Biz Triage. I met Nate about 5 years ago while we were both working for one of the largest multinational staffing firms in the world. Nate was at any given time the #1 Sr. Executive Recruiter in our IT division, and at […]

An exercise in Negatives

Usually not a fan of questionnaires, but this one from Duct Tape Marketing got my brain running.   What don’t you want in your life? complainers, non-doers, leeches, the lazy, the weak Who don’t you want as a customer? the filthy rich, those who don’t *truly* care about their customers / family / friends What […]

Local Search Success! – Seattle

So I was doing my periodic google keyword searches to see how my clients’ sites were doing … I did a search for “ laptop repair seattle” and … well just look: That’s right folks … is sitting @ #1 … They’re having a killer Birthday Smash April 17th, 2011 (free lunch, ridiculous discounts, and […]

Pandora "Town Hall" Meeting … lessons learned

NOTE FROM NATE: I wrote this nearly a year before Savor the Sound (the ‘other mother’ of Small Biz Triage) became non-profit youth music education social enterprise.  Revealing. ………………….. I was invited to a “Town Hall” style meeting last week with Tim Westergren, the founder of Pandora … for a music junkie, that’s the equivalent […]

A (business) identity crisis?

NOTE FROM NATE: another blog from the archives before Savor the Sound evolved into a successful non-profit, and its growing “marketing department” became Small Biz Triage. ………….. So I’ve spent an unholy amount of time defining Savor the Sound. For what seems like the hundredth time, I encountered an inflamed case of ‘category block’ when filling […]