Weekly Recap – Daily Deals, Short Films & Some Lessons

Small Biz Triage – Weekly Recap, Sept 9th – 15th, 2012. Another busy, busy week. Highlights (Finally) launched a new joint venture with friend and colleague Marti Bering – Flathead Daily.  After a TON of research, realized that nearly all of Montana was not served by any active daily deals sites (i.e. Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon […]

A "Stock Market" for Local Businesses

This is a fascinating video that discusses the stock market vs. the local market.   TOPICS: Incisive (and humorous) history of the stock market Legal loopholes in the current SEC regulations Kickstarter Kiva IndieGoGo Co-ops advance purchases How to do a direct public offering Alternatives to CD’s State of legislation for a true local stock exchange […]

My First Business Expense

I’m still packing up all of my stuff for the big move and came across this receipt.  Took me awhile to remember why I held onto it for so long, then I realized – it was my first business expense.  $75 for a membership to RocketTheme, a Joomla Template club.  That relatively small expense helped […]

Response to: "What a 9-Year-Old Can Teach You About Selling"

Saw this great article in Inc magazine recently, and thought it would be a good exercise. Daddy, what do you do? I help really small businesses make more money.   Why do people decide to hire you? Some people hire me just because they like me.  Others because someone told them really, really, really need […]

How to Fire a Client: Part 2

Read Part One Here So you need to fire a client. In full disclosure, I’ve failed as many times as I’ve succeeded in this particular department.  Dealing with human beings can be a messy business, and even if you do everything right, it can unfold into something *very* wrong.  Proceed boldly but be ready for […]

RIP: Johnny B

One of my best friends – John Broderson a.k.a. Johnny B – died this week. He was Small Biz Triage’s first hire. Copywriting, video production, canvassing, event marketing, etc… Johnny could do f-ing anything. Hell, I didn’t even know what a copywriter was until he bluntly explained it to me – “we spend six hours […]

How to Fire a Client: Part 1

I’ve had to fire a handful of clients since I’ve been in business.  It is a very necessary, and potentially dangerous chore that most small biz owners ignore. Part 1 of this blog will cover identifying when exactly a client can be safely categorized as: *bad*. A client needs to be fired when at least […]

Beer & Smokes, humble beginnings

Just got the expiration, will not renew notice from GoDaddy for SAVORTHESOUND.COM. So I got to thinking about the humble beginnings of my business, dug deep into my email, and found the thread below.  That exchange resulted in a meeting with Eric Fridrich on April 12th, 2009 at Neptune Coffee House in Greenwood (Seattle).  We […]

Why my blog sucks?

Why? Because I haven’t updated it in FOUR MONTHS. And the last two blogs were ATROCIOUS.  Suppose I could pull that post down, or pull the blog down completely.  Transparency is necessary and often embarrassing.  And those of you who know me, know that laziness trumps embarrassment everytime 😉 I do feel kind of hypocritical, though, […]

Improvisational Marketing

an unfiltered, and (gasp) unedited look into my head when pondering the future of my own small biz. ******************************************* MacGyver – Burn Notice – Man vs Wild – Food 911What am I missing?What story do I want to tell?What kind of man do I want to be?Who needs help? Who wants help? Who has earned […]